You hit forty years old and all of a sudden you’re waking up in hot sweats, your periods become erratic and your moods are up and down. Welcome to perimenopause: the years that take you, at times not so gently, up to menopause.

Did you know that menopause actually only lasts for just one day? Menopause is defined as the day on which we have not had a period for one full year.

Perimenopause, therefore, is the period leading up to this event. We can actually be in perimenopause from anywhere as little to a few months up to a decade.

Perimenopause is characterised by some hormonal fluctuations, however many women we see in clinic have no idea that the effects of these hormonal changes would be so profound.  It’s only in recent times that perimenopause has been recognised as a true condition.

So what’s actually happening to our bodies during perimenopause?

The physical changes of perimenopause are due to the variation in circulating oestrogen and a decline in progesterone.  Some months you may ovulate twice during your cycle and some months not at all.  Hot flushes and night sweats are caused by a drop in oestrogen before your period — but then it can shoot back up to cause swollen painful breasts.

In clinic we have had a huge success with herbal medicines during perimenopause. Herbs have a great affinity to the female reproductive system.  The type of herbs we use are adaptogens which have a nice modulating effect on the body.

Some of the herbs we use are:

  • Black Cohosh – a great herb used for both perimenopause and menopause to help with hot flushes, excessive sweating, vaginal dryness and changeable moods;
  • Dong Quai or Angelica Sinensis – often called the ‘female Ginseng’ can also help support any hot flushes, insomnia and changeable moods;
  • Vitex – a well researched herb for the reproductive system, Vitex can be so effective in stabilising the reproductive system and increase your progesterone by promoting ovulation.  It can be very beneficial for any fluid retention, breast pain and irritability.

These herbs can be very powerful and so we always recommend seeing a qualified practitioner to ensure they are the right herbs for you and not contraindicated to any of your symptoms and medications.

In clinic we would also help support you with a few lifestyle changes which can also make a huge difference.

Most women are very intuitive about their own bodies and with the right support this can be a much easier transition. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, come in and see us.